Iron Ore & Pellets

Functioning of the Mechanical ore handling plant known as ore handling complex comprises of the receiving system and the shipping system operated by M/s EVTL. The ore received through wagons is tippled and conveyed to the stacker for stacking in the receiving system. The receiving system consists of three wagons tipplers (one twin wagon tippler of 2700 TPH cap. and another tippler of 3000 TPH capacity) to tipple the wagons


The shipping system reclaims the cargo from the stacks and conveys through the conveyors to the shiploader for loading into the ships’ hatches. The system consists of 3 bucket wheel reclaimers 4000 tonnes per hour capacity, a long overhead conveyor system (4.8 kms – one way), a surgebin of 2000 tonnes capacity and a ship loader with a assigned capacity to load iron ore at 8000 tonnes per hour. This shiploader which moves on rails can negotiate a 2100 turn and can dip deep into the hatch of a ship.

The loading conveyors (7 nos.) are all overhead conveyors running at about 10 to 12 metres above ground level. The conveyors are supported by means of a pre-cast RCC frames founded on piles. The pre-cast frames are spaced at about 20.0 m c/c, a walkway of 1.0 m wide is also provided alongside of the conveyor for attending to maintenance. The conveyor is designed to run at a speed of 210 mtrs/min.

Coking Coal & Steam Coal facilities  

A deep draft berth at outer harbour (Vizag General Cargo Berth(VGCB) with a Quay Length of 356 meters to handle vessels of draft upto 18.10 meters is available for handling import Coking coal and Steam coal. The berth is capable of handling 2,00,000 DWT vessels and equipped with 3 ship loaders 2500 TPH (70,000 TPD), Conveyor systems, Stacker cum reclaimers rapid wagon loading systems. 

Another Mechanised Terminal (EQ1) for handling of Steam coal vessels operated by M/s Adani Vizag Coal Terminal to handle vessels upto draft 14.50 mts with 2 Harbour mobile cranes to unload 27,000 TPD.  

In addition, 7 Multipurpose berths in inner harbour which can accommodate vessels upto 14.50 mts draft and 2 Multipurpose B.O.T berths operated by Vizag Seaport Pvt. Ltd., equipped with Mechanized handling facilities are available.  The other 2 B.O.T berths Viz.,  EQ10 operated by M/s AVR Infra Pvt. Ltd. for Liquid Cargo and WQ6 operated by M/s West Quay Multi Port Pvt. Ltd. for Multi Cargos.  Other facilities include 3 nos. Harbour Mobile cranes at WQ berths and 1 Harbour Mobile Crane at EQ Berths are equipped in Inner Harbour. 


A fully mechanized facility for loading Alumina is available at the dedicated berth (WQ-5) with 242 meters length and permissible draft upto 11 meters. The facilities available at the berth include: 3 silos of 25,000 tonnes capacity each Mechanical wagon unloading system (1100 TPH) Conveyor system for loading(2200 TPH)


A deep draft Oil Tanker Terminal (OSTT) for berthing tankers of size up to 150,000 DWT and draft upto 17 meters is available. the facility is equipped with three unloading arms at the terminal direct discharge from berth to the refinery tanks @ 5500 tonnes per hour through pipe lines.

Facility available for STS transhipment of crude from VLCC to smaller tankers.

An exclusive jetty with draft upto 14 meters is available to discharge LPG. A Cavern facility for LPG first of its kind in South Asia – a mined rock Cavern at a depth of 200 mtrs. below sea level (capacity: 60,000 T) is available. Two berths (OR1 & OR2) in the inner harbour are available for handling petroleum products


Container Terminal (VCTPL) is being operated by Visakha Container Terminal Pvt. Ltd. The terminal is the deepest terminal of the country with a facility to accommodate main line vessels up to 14.50 Mts draft. The terminal has a dedicated rail facility to handle full rake of 45 wagons. The terminal has a potential to handle 6 lakh TEU’s in future years. The terminal is equipped with 4 Post Panamax RMQC’s, 6 RTGC’s and 6 Reach Stackers,  and is ideally situated to serve as “Container Hub Port” on the East Coast of India. 

Cargo handling equipment


Availability       in Nos.

Electric Wharf Cranes20 T04
Harbour Mobile Cranes 100 T04
Locos ( General Traffic)1350 HP04
Locos (General Traffic)3100 HP03
Locos (General Traffic ) Hired1350 HP03
Floating crane Bheema (For Port Work Only)106 T cap01
Floating crane (Hanuman)50 T cap01