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Tender No Name of the Tender Department Last Date for Submission Tender Document
IM&EE/MOF/M-1/ PWS/AMC/Harison Generators/2195 dated 11.10.2023 Annual Maintenance Contract for 3 Nos. Different capacities of M/s. Harison make Gen Sets located at various locations in VPA for a period of 05 years. Tenders Awarded on Nomination Basis 2028-10-11 11/10/2028
IM&EE/MOF/FOF/ ET/F.102/3082, dated 19.12.2023 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Electronic Interlocking (EI), Integrated power systems, Data Logger, MSDAC at RRI in Visakhapatnam Port Authority for a period of 02 years Tenders Awarded on Nomination Basis 2025-12-31 31/12/2025
IM&EE/MOF/AMC/Cummins/ F21/A13 190 dated 19.04.2023 Annual Maintenance Contractor for 3 Nos. Cummins Gensets location at AOB and OSTT for a period of two years. Tenders Awarded on Nomination Basis 2025-04-30 30/04/2025
No.49 /2024-25/IM&EE/MOF/FOF/ET/F.122A, Dt. 27.02.2025 Rehabilitation of Deck Structure of Sardar Vallabhai Patel Bridge (Parallel Bridge) of Visakhapatnam Port - Provision of CCTV Cameras and accessories – Supply of Hybrid solar power solution to CCTV Cameras Mechanical Engineering Tenders 2025-03-08 08/03/2025 Download
VPT/CCC/AOB/ TM Office/Dock Area/WOB/MF/R&D Yard along with providing working lunch to HRDC /2025/ dt 12-02-2025 Running and maintaining Canteens at. AOB/TM Office/Dock Area/WOB/MF/R&D Yard, along with providing working lunch to HRDC for a period of 2 years Administration Department 2025-03-04 04/03/2025 Download
No. IMAR/D/DCO/Life Rafts/2025, Dt. 27.01.2025 Annual Servicing of 4Nos. inflatable Life Rafts( Make: SHM) of Tug A.W. Delima & Tug Col. Cartwright Reid Marine Tenders 2025-02-20 20/02/2025 Download
IM&EE/MOF/FOF/ ET/F.252/3735, dated 20.01.2023 CAMC for Integration of AIS, RADAR and VHF Systems to interface data to port POS (Port Operations Shipping) for a period of 01 year i.e., from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024. Tenders Awarded on Nomination Basis 2024-12-31 31/12/2024
No.IENG/SE(WEST)/T/ Sunshade to Pass section/2024 Dt. 29-11-2024 Providing Sunshade to Pass section of Truck Parking Terminal of VPA. Civil Engineering Tenders 2024-12-09 09/12/2024 Download
NO:lM&EE/MMD/INNOVA/2024 Date:02.12.2024 Procurement of one new Car, Make TOYOTA and Model INNOVA HYCROSS Hybrid ZX 7S (AT) Black colour. Materials Tenders 2024-12-06 06/12/2024 Download
No. IENG/SE(N)/T/2021 Dt. 19-11-2024 Renovation of office stores to facilitate the room for Dy.CMO in Ground floor of GJH Civil Engineering Tenders 2024-11-26 26/11/2024 Download